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SlothBet > Lottery
17. 9. 2024 0
Do you feel like luck is eluding you while other people are winning money almost regularly? There are ...
9. 9. 2024 0
Sportka is a legendary game with the largest number of millionaires in the Czech Republic, which is why ...
9. 9. 2024 0
No guaranteed strategy leading to a win in Sportka, of course, exists. Yet, many bettors apply various methods ...
9. 9. 2024 0
Numerical lotteries are the most popular form of gambling among Czechs. One of the most favored international lotteries ...
29. 8. 2024 0
The offer of number games from Fortuna is really varied and every player will find something to their ...
29. 8. 2024 0
If you are attracted to Sazka's games, then you should consider joining their club. For players, all games ...
29. 8. 2024 0
There is no proven strategy or shortcut to win a multimillion Sportka prize. Nonetheless, fraudsters exploit players' efforts ...
29. 8. 2024 0
Join the lottery games from Korunka and play for valuable prizes. Find out how to increase your chances ...
29. 8. 2024 0
It is one of the leading Czech lottery companies that offers its players really attractive prizes. See how ...
29. 8. 2024 0
Winning the Eurojackpot is every bettor's dream. In this article, we bring you useful tips that you can ...
29. 8. 2024 0
Find out how to bet numbers in one of the most popular lottery games to maximize your chances ...
29. 8. 2024 0
There is hardly anyone who has never heard of Sportka. And no wonder. In this lottery, Sazka offers ...
29. 8. 2024 0
In lottery games, everyone has a chance to win. All you have to do is bet the right ...
29. 8. 2024 0
If being a millionaire is not enough for you, then this game is just right for you. Bet ...
29. 8. 2024 0
Of course, there is no guaranteed strategy for winning the lottery. Nevertheless, many bettors apply various methods by ...
23. 6. 2024 0
If you are an enthusiastic player of one of the most popular Czech lotteries, then the historical results ...
23. 6. 2024 0
Find out if luck has smiled on you and if you have won one of the prizes in ...

Who among us hasn’t imagined at least once what it would be like to win the grand prize in the lottery? All the experiences that a fabulous win could bring. The doors that could be opened. The countless joyful smiles that could be created. However, multi-million winnings often bring a lot of pain and disappointment in addition to the good. From newspaper headlines and TV reports, we know the story of many an unfortunate person whose sudden wealth had a negative impact. Not everyone can handle such a situation.

Definition of lottery

A lottery and similar games refer to a game voluntarily participated in by a natural person who pays a stake, the return of which is not guaranteed to the participant. Winning or losing is determined by chance or an unknown circumstance in advance, which must not be known to anyone beforehand and must not be influenced in any way by the operator or the bettor.

According to the Gambling Act, which came into effect in 2017, a lottery is understood as a numerical lottery, monetary lottery, prize lottery, and instant lottery.

  • Numerical lottery refers to a game where winning is conditioned by guessing a certain number, several numbers, a combination of numbers, or a numerical sequence. Among the best-known numerical lotteries are Sportka, Eurojackpot, Extra renta, and others.
  • Monetary and prize lottery refer to a gambling game where winning is conditioned by the drawing of a specific ticket. In monetary and prize lotteries, a certain number of tickets with serial numbers are issued by the operator. If the tickets are divided into several series, each series must contain the same number of tickets, and each ticket must be marked with both a serial number and a series designation. The selling price of a ticket in each lottery must be the same across all series. All issued tickets are included in the draw.
  • Instant lottery refers to a gambling game where winning is conditioned by a winning combination after scratching the covered part of the ticket. In an instant lottery, the bettor immediately learns about a possible win on the marked and covered part of the ticket after uncovering it.

Aggregate prize amount and probability

The Gambling Act mandates conditions for prize payouts for companies operating lotteries, and for monetary, prize, and instant lotteries (scratch cards), even the maximum probability of winning (Act No. 186/2016 Coll., §21):

    1. The aggregate prize amount must not be less than 40% and more than 80% of the game deposit.

    2. The game deposit in a numerical lottery is the product of the number of bets placed and the stake amount for the placed bet, which may be supplemented by unachieved winnings from previous betting periods.

    3. The game deposit in a monetary, prize, or instant lottery is the product of the number of issued tickets and the selling price for one ticket.

    4. The probability of winning in a monetary, prize, or instant lottery must not be less than 1:200.

A glimpse into history

On the internet, one can find mentions of written records proving a certain form of lottery in China around 200 BC. However, we can reasonably assume that the first human experience with gambling resembling a lottery is much older.

Among the playful nations of Europe were the Romans. Around the beginning of our era, they helped finance necessary repairs in Rome with lottery proceeds. This tradition was continued by cities located in today’s Belgium and the Netherlands, where, according to preserved records, financial prizes were first competed for in the 15th century. Incidentally, the oldest functioning lottery, with a tradition dating back to 1726, is the Dutch state Staatsloterij.

The oldest and also the largest lottery company in the Czech Republic is Sazka, which began operations in 1956. The legendary numerical lottery Sportka was first drawn in 1957. SAZKA Group a.s., under which Sazka a.s. falls, was renamed Allwyn International a.s. in 2022, which falls under Allwyn AG. The entire lottery group is owned by the investment group KKCG founded by Czech businessman Karel Komárek.

List of licensed online lottery operators by MF

Currently, there are a total of six licensed operators in the domestic online lottery market, with the only company offering exclusively lotteries being Loterie Korunka. The remaining five providers also offer other forms of gambling, such as sports betting or online casinos.

The most prominent name among Czech lottery companies is the aforementioned Sazka. Its offerings include the most popular lotteries Sportka, Šťastných 10, and Eurojackpot. A major advantage of today’s times is the ability to participate in the draw for million-dollar prizes online. As a new client, you also have the opportunity to receive a pleasant welcome bonus when registering online.

Sazka logo


€10 free for lotteries upon registrationClaim bonus
Loterie Korunka logo


€15 free for completing registrationClaim bonus
Fortuna logo


€15 free for completing registrationClaim bonus
Logo Tipsport


€15 free for completing registrationClaim bonus
Logo Chance


€10 free for completing registrationClaim bonus
casino kartáč logo

Casino Kartáč

€20 free + 100 FS for completing registrationClaim bonus

Traditional lotteries vs. rapid lotteries

Within numerical lotteries, we can distinguish two basic types – traditional and rapid. Traditional lotteries are characterized by drawings at pre-determined regular intervals (e.g., once a day, twice a week, etc.), and the ticket can be submitted online or physically at a collection point (e.g., Sazka terminals, Fortuna branches, Chance branches, Tipsport branches). Examples of this type of lottery include Sportka and Eurojackpot.

Rapid lotteries have their own category “Rapid lotteries” on the operator’s website and drawings take place virtually continuously throughout the day (e.g., Sazka’s Rychlá 6 is drawn every 5 minutes; Fortuna’s Next 6 is drawn every 12 seconds!). The difference is also in the amount of rewards at stake. In rapid lotteries, the prizes are significantly lower.

Popular traditional lotteries

We have already mentioned that the main difference between traditional and rapid lotteries is the frequency of drawings and the amount of winnings. Given the size of the prizes in individual lotteries, we can also observe a difference within traditional lotteries. The most generous ones that can change your life 180 degrees (e.g., Sportka and Eurojackpot) offer jackpots worth hundreds of millions to billions and are drawn 2-3 times a week (occasionally there are also additional special draws).

On the other hand, there is, for example, Loterie Korunka, which is drawn twice a day. Twice a day, millions are also played in popular lotteries from Fortuna (3 z 21, 20 z 80, or Trojka).

Eurojackpot logo


€100 million

Record Czech win

  • 18 countries in Europe
  • Drawings 2x a week (Tuesday and Friday)
  • Billion-euro jackpots
  • Additional draws (Around the World, Mega Fridays,…)
  • Price from €5
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Eurojackpot review

Sportka logo


€16 million

Record win

  • Sportka has been drawn since April 1957
  • Drawings 3x a week (Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
  • Hundred-million jackpots
  • Price from €2

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Sportka review

Extra renta

Extra renta

€2 million

Main prize

  • New lottery since 2021
  • Drawings 2x a week (Monday, Thursday)
  • Chance to win a monthly annuity for 20 years
  • Price from €1

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Extra renta review

Šťastných 10 logo

Šťastných 10

€2 million

Record win

  • Šťastných 10 has been drawn since 1994
  • 93 chances to win
  • Drawings 2x a day (12:00 and 20:00)
  • Million-dollar prizes
  • Price from €0.50

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Šťastných 10 review

Euromiliony logo


€5 million

Record win

  • Euromiliony has been drawn since 2003
  • Drawings 2x a week (Tuesday and Saturday)
  • Million-dollar prizes
  • Price from €5

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Euromiliony review

Korunka Kombi

Korunka Kombi

€0.5 million

Main prize

  • Pick 3 to 16 numbers
  • Drawings 2x a day (14:10 and 18:10)
  • Accompanying prize competitions
  • Price from €0.60

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Korunka Kombi review

Korunka Šestka

Korunka Šestka

€0.5 million

Main prize

  • Pick exactly 6 numbers
  • Drawings 2x a day (14:10 and 18:10)
  • Accompanying prize competitions
  • Price €1.40 or €2.80

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Korunka Šestka review

Loterie 3 z 21

Fortuna loterie 3 z 21

1000x stake

Main prize

  • Pick 1 to 3 numbers from 21 numbers in the drum
  • To win, you must guess all the numbers you bet on
  • Choose the stake amount and place the ticket
  • The amount of the winning coefficient depends on the number of bet numbers
  • Drawings 2x a day (15:00 and 18:00)
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3 z 21 review

Loterie Meloun

Fortuna loterie Meloun


Main prize

  • Pick 8 of 80 numbers in the drum
  • You can bet up to 20 draws in advance
  • The price of one draw is €1
  • The winnings depend on the number of guessed numbers
  • Drawings 2x a day (15:00 and 18:00)
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Meloun review

Gigajackpot Kasino Kartáč

Gigajackpot Kasino Kartáč

€4 billion

Largest jackpot in the world

  • Main prize €4 billion
  • Millionaire already at 6th place
  • Probability of winning 2.97:1
  • Drawings 2x a week (Tuesday and Friday)
  • Price from €2.40
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Gigajackpot review

Popular rapid lotteries

The so-called rapid lotteries do not have as long a tradition as traditional lotteries, but they are no less popular. They are drawn exclusively online and the main promoters are Sazka, Fortuna, and Casino Kartáč. The current offer can be found on their websites in the “Rapid lotteries” section. These lotteries do not offer as generous prizes as traditional ones, but you can participate in them whenever you feel like it. Drawings take place all day with intervals of a few minutes, in some cases even a few seconds! You can even play multiple lotteries simultaneously! Some drawings can even be watched in real-time thanks to online streams. Let’s introduce some representatives now.

Loterie Kameny Sazka

Kameny – Sazka

€100,000 main prize

  • Drawings every 5 minutes
  • Bet from €0.50
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Kameny review

Loterie Keno Sazka

Keno – Sazka

€40,000 main prize

  • Drawings every 5 minutes
  • Bet from €0.20
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Keno review

Loterie Rychlá 6 Sazka

Rychlá 6 – Sazka

€250,000 main prize

  • Drawings every 5 minutes
  • Bet from €0.50
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Rychlá 6 review

Lucky X loterie

Lucky X – Fortuna

€200,000 main prize

  • Drawings every 4 minutes
  • Bet from €0.80
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Lucky X review

Next 6 loterie

Next 6 – Fortuna

850x stake main prize

  • Drawings every 12 seconds
  • Bet from €0.80
Bet now

Next Six review

Instant lotteries = scratch cards

Within the categorization of lotteries, we can also distinguish so-called instant lotteries, which is the designation for scratch cards. They are called instant because you know the result immediately after scratching the play area. This is also their biggest attraction, which draws in new customers. In this form of lottery, it is interesting that women have a much larger representation than in any other form of gambling. According to surveys, they even buy scratch cards more often than men.

The range of scratch cards is varied. Differences can be found not only in the purchase price (from a few crowns to several hundred per card) and declared reward but also in design and thematic execution. The highest interest in them is traditionally during Christmas, when people gift them to their loved ones.

The largest producer of scratch cards is the company Sazka, whose products you can find in tobacconists, on the internet, and at Czech Post branches. Among the best-known scratch cards are, for example, Rentiér, Zlatá rybka, or Černá perla. Sazka is currently the only Czech operator whose scratch cards you can buy and scratch online. The advantage is also the possibility to try all scratch cards in the so-called demo mode for fun. Scratch cards from other companies (Korunka, Tipsport, Euro Queen, Fortuna) can only be purchased in physical form at sales points.

Online scratch card Maxi Černá perla

Maxi Černá perla

€400,000 main prize

Price of the scratch card €8

Scratch online
Scratch card Zlatá rybka

Zlatá rybka

€40,000 main prize + car; holiday

Price of the scratch card €2

Scratch online
Online scratch card Mega Rentiér

Mega Rentiér

€200,000 immediately + €4,000 monthly for five years

Price of the scratch card €8

Scratch online
Scratch card Cash


€80,000 main prize

Price of the scratch card €2

Scratch online
Scratch card Mates od Sazky


€4,000 main prize

Price of the scratch card €2

Scratch online

Online lotteries vs. offline lotteries

If you have read carefully, you certainly noticed that nowadays it is possible to secure a life-changing win from the comfort of your home. Simply put, most numerical lotteries can be participated in online. This provides participants with a number of advantages, primarily saving a lot of time. Basically, you just need to become a customer of the company whose lottery you are interested in, upload money to your user account, and fill out the lottery ticket (you can choose the numbers yourself or leave it to chance). An online ticket also eliminates the fear of losing the ticket. The ticket is simply saved for you and you have 24/7 access to it.

General procedure for registering with lottery companies

The first step to participating in an online lottery is registering your account. On the company’s website, first fill out the registration form with the required personal information. Then verify your phone, email, payment method (may vary slightly between companies), and identity (can be done via bank identity or in person at one of the branches). For legislative reasons, verification also includes setting self-restricting limits. You usually have 30 days to confirm your identity. During this time, you have a so-called temporary account (this does not prevent you from participating in the draws). After registration, simply deposit money into the created account and place your ticket.

Detailed instructions for registering with individual companies

  • Sazka registration
  • Fortuna registration
  • Tipsport registration
  • Chance registration
  • Casino Kartáč registration
  • Loterie Korunka
Advantages of online lottery

  • Instant access to lotteries
  • You can bet from the comfort of your home
  • Your tickets are always available
  • You can set up automatic ticket betting for future draws
  • Immediate crediting of winnings to the account (individual approach for high amounts)
  • Possibility to participate in so-called rapid lotteries
  • Account with multiple companies (greater selection)
  • Access to other sections (online casino, sports betting, scratch cards)
  • Free bonus for registration
  • Welcome bonus

Lottery tax

Lottery winnings are taxed like other income. As of January 1, 2024, the exemption limit for gambling winnings from taxes has been reduced from the original million to €2,000. Newly, all winnings exceeding this limit will be subject to a withholding tax of 15%. However, players do not incur any obligation to pay or report these incomes, as the lottery company will directly reduce the win by the tax and remit the corresponding tax on their behalf.

Individual winnings within one tax period are not summed up, which means that each win is taxed separately. So if in one tax period you win on three lottery tickets successively €1,600, €1,200, and €1,600 (a total of €4,400), the winnings will not be taxed because each of them fits within the €2,000 limit.

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